David Wilcock and Ben Fulford on the Global Reboot
3 day trigger event / 10 day Earth shutdown / activation of EBS
According to David Wilcock, April 2, 2024:
The Event will span approximately three days, followed by a 10-day Earth shutdown and the activation of the Military Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) broadcasted globally on TV and radio.
Concurrently, governments worldwide will be temporarily disbanded, accompanied by further arrests.
Subsequently, the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA/GESARA) Blockchain Elections will be initiated, ushering in governments reduced to 10% of their current size, with entirely new personnel.
This transformative endeavor, known as Quantum GESARA or TRUMPSARA, encompasses various facets of advancement, including the Quantum Financial System (QFS), 'Quantum Voting System' (Global TeLeComm), 'Quantum Healing' (Global TeLeCare), and 'Quantum Physics' (Aquarian Quantum Age). The transition extends to the digital realm with the Quantum Internet, symbolizing a comprehensive shift toward quantum technology.
Under GESARA, currency undergoes a transformation, with NESARA introducing Rainbow "Treasury" Notes backed by precious metals, augmented by the integration of Quantum Star Link and internationally regulated USA Coins adhering to ISO20022 standards, also backed by metals.
Furthermore, the Quantum Voting System (QVS) revolutionizes Blockchain technology, departing from conventional approaches.
The Quantum Internet overhaul entails a complete reboot, eliminating existing entities such as Microsoft, as the current InterNet infrastructure is likened to Operation Mockingbird, entailing centralized control and manipulation.
Media outlets and publications, previously influenced by entities like the Mossad, will undergo restructuring, eliminating ownership ties and biases.
Private intelligence entities, including those affiliated with UK Royals, will be dissolved, leaving Military Intelligence as the sole intelligence authority.
"You can never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." ~ R .Buckminster Fuller
Corroborating Intel from Benjamin Fulford
Echoing what David Wilcock wrote above, from the Benjamin Fulford Report April 1, 2024:
Western governments are a sick April fools joke even as war looms
. . . the situation is so tense an emergency meeting has been called this week with representatives of the Habsburg family (European Royalty), the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the people in Antarctica and Asian royals. A person who will be attending the meeting says they will discuss replacing the WEF and UN-based Khazarian mafia-controlled international system. They say construction has already begun in Southeast Asia for a new headquarters for a UN replacement organization.
The meeting will also discuss a White Dragon Society (WDS) proposal to issue $100 trillion worth of bonds to kick-start a new age. As mentioned before, the process would start with a jubilee involving a one-off cancellation of all debt, public and private. It would also involve a one-off redistribution of assets stolen over the decades by fraudulent central banking. After this meritocratically staffed future planning organizations (one global and seven regional) would figure out how best to deploy the $100 trillion.
The WDS proposal also calls for the Western military-industrial complex to stop stealing resources for Satan-worshipping KM oligarchs and start protecting the living creatures of this planet. Generous funding will be made for this purpose in order to prevent war.
The West will also start making amends for centuries of pillage, conquest and murder around the world by carrying out a massive campaign to end poverty, disease and environmental destruction. It will also release technology that will allow us all to live like millionaires for thousands of years.
No matter what comes of this meeting, the current Western-led financial system is mathematically doomed.
Future Vision? Prophetic Warning? Trending News?
We'll see, soon enough,