Imagine If YOU Were Just Elected President
Who would you pick for your dream team, and how would you preside?
Part One – Your Health Care Dream Team
Graphically formatted at ‘Dream Team-1’
Now imagine you were Donald Trump, and you were tasked with healing the sick public who were compelled to get toxic injections under your former Warp Speed vax roll-out.
How many geniuses would you select to help the dysfunctional Fed-Gov agencies WISE UP?
And who would you choose to manage the GIANT HEALTH BUREAUCRACY?
Will you pick a technocrat like Fauci who lied about “safe and effective” vaccines?
'COVID Shot Death Toll'
Nov 6, 2024 / The Lancet
Or will you pick a health rights leader like RFK Jr. to tell us the truth about
public poisoning by the government agencies that are responsible for:
* toxic growing and processing of food;
* toxic fluoride added to drinking water;
* toxic chemtrails sprayed in the skies;
* toxic - and addictive - food additives;
* toxic poisons injected via ‘vaccines’;
* toxic fear porn for vax compliance;
* toxic drug-pushing through Big Media.
Will executive power be delegated to Kennedy to transform those agencies - for example - that authorized ‘fluoridation’ with toxic industrial waste dripped into public drinking water?
45 years ago, there were plenty of studies comparing cancer rates in fluoridated cites to those of the same size that didn’t fluoridate. Since fluoride is an enzyme inhibitor – and since enzymes help assimilate food and eliminate toxic waste – it was not surprising that cancer rates increased dramatically in fluoridated cites.
But that didn’t matter because Fed-Gov agencies had by then spread the myth of fluoride benefits with Dental Associations promulgating the benefits even as fluorosis poisoning began showing up on teeth. So like vaccines, the mantra of “safe and effective fluoride” became official policy while the burgeoning cancer industry made a killing with toxic chemo that kills cancer cells while weakening the immune system needed to recover.
Toxic poisoning of the public for profit is the sick corporate business model that subverted our health care system from a historically non-profit service to a pathological profits-before-people disease care system.
BUT IT’S ‘JUST BUSINESS’ - Corporate Law precedence established that
shareholders come BEFORE the public when profits are at stake.
Just as the Deep State disease care bureaucracy buried the research on vaccines that showed them causing autism – and turbo-cancers plus a myriad of other side effects including sudden death – so has the $200 billion dollar cancer industry suppressed numerous studies showing you have a better chance of living past five years with most cancers if you don’t take chemo at all!
Kennedy speaks for Trump about fluorides; a “day one” promise to remove them
Nov 4, 2024 / Jon Rappoport
Disease care profiteering in general is now a trillion dollar industry in the US alone. To go after only fluoridation would be a ‘limited hangout’ – like a slap on the wrist. The REAL solution is to STOP the power elite ‘population control’ (depopulation) agenda that degrades the health of our bodies, minds and spirit – ON PURPOSE – so we are so sick and tired of being sick and tired that we are too sick and tired to WISE UP AND RISE UP!
'COVID Shot Death Toll' / Nov 6, 2024 / The Lancet
7 minute video proving the shots are killing people. And some of the living envy the dead due to not only the side effects from the vax, but also from toxic drugs used to treat the vax side effects.
Consider the big picture of pharmacidal creation and treatment of disease from cradle to grave. Or as RFK Jr. said so well:
Let that brilliant truth-telling burn into your psyche folks!
Even ‘National Propaganda Radio’ (NPR’s CIA-Deep State Mockingbird Media), admitted that there has been a “massive powershift” with Trump’s election.
I saw this coming 27 years ago when I created THE POWERSHIFT CHART.
The center of THAT CHART TODAY would be represented in the 4 clockwise quadrants of:
TeLeComm – G.O.D.-LOVE Governance;
TeLeConscience – Education of the Heart;
TeLeCare – Global Health Care Standards;
TeLeCommerce – Quantum Age Free Trade.
The dynamics of massive powershift today are a quantum shift into quantum reality and the quantum science of unified field connection with the heart coherent web of our universe.
Ultimately this is a POWERSHIFT from Great Awakening to the Great Enlightenment. But we’re not there yet folks!
Watch the transition team forming - through to Inauguration - VERY CLOSELY.
This will show you just how far the deeply entrenched corporatocracy - and their technocratic minions - have either harnessed the official reins co-opting Executive Power - or if by some kind of miracle - ACTUALLY WISE UP WITH TRANSPARENT CARE FOR OUR OPTIMAL HEALTH!
Keep in mind that full disclosure - from Big Lie to Whole Truth - will reveal a REAL capability for free online universal self care - Global TeLeCare Holistic Health - as could be operational online A YEAR FROM NOW for English-speaking Netizens first, and universal translation to come.
Do you get that? And do you care enough to seize the Vision of Victory for global holistic healing?
Is it true this is a win/win whereby “Making America Healthy Again” makes the whole world healthy?
Are you aware that this is the true spirit of patriotism for all of ‘US’ as United Sovereigns of Earth?
Would you agree that to KNOW we could have global healing on this scale and this fast, is sufficient reason to SUPPORT IT?
All you have to do as President is delegate: LET KENNEDY RUN IT!
Global TeLeCare is a turn-key solution that the whole world will celebrate when it goes live.
TeLeCare development is relatively inexpensive. And in one fell swoop, results-based standards can make obsolete the insane pharmacidal system that creates and treats disease like the military-industrial complex creates, and profits from, war.
Transitioning to an Aquarian Peace Culture from a Dystopian Genocidal War Culture
Coming Soon to an Enlightened Transition Team Near You!
CONTINUED bi-weekly at: 2024 Quantum Quickening Series
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